Blogs - electronic diaries - a modern form of recording the everyday life of Polish immigrants


  • Magdalena Bierzyńska-Sudoł Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego



blogs, emigration, national identity, everyday life


The article describes the genesis of electronic diaries - blogs that have become a modern and popular form of recording the image of everyday life of Polish immigrants. The main scientific purpose of the article was to show emigration blogs as a specific form of personal documents, which, apart from the information function, are a tool for expressing oneself, creating one's own image, and communicating with other emigrants. The research attention was also focused on the structure of blogs, their divisions and classifications, characteristic features, determined mainly by the substantive contents spread throughout  the web. The presented examples confirm that blogs, as personal notes, are a very  important element of everyday life of emigration diarists, and a wide range of readers. They also fulfill integrating and therapeutic functions and play an important role in maintaining national identity. With the development of technology, they changed their current form, and became mostly video blogs, but they did not lose their original diary face.



How to Cite

Bierzyńska-Sudoł, M. (2023). Blogs - electronic diaries - a modern form of recording the everyday life of Polish immigrants. Studies in Politics and Society, 21(1), 35–46.


