Katarzyna Drąg, Lwowskie korzenie polskiego dziennikarstwa. Studia nad profesjonalizacją zawodu na przełomie wieków (1848–1914), Wydawnictwo Petrus, Kraków 2021, 512 ss.
The monograph by Katarzyna Drąg fills the gap in the subject of the excellent intellectual and cultural center of the First and Second Polish Republic in Lviv. It existed and functioned dynamically, despite the loss of independence by the Polish state. The short period of sovereignty in the interwar period stimulated the Lviv center, which resulted in a number of achievements on a global scale. However, two centers of totalitarian ideologies (Nazi and communist) developing and competing in Europe at that time led to the outbreak of World War II, of which Lviv also became a victim - and perhaps even especially so. The author touches on this topic in a professional manner with great eloquence and extensive knowledge. The book is extremely valuable for media experts and political scientists
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