W sukurs pamięci. Kilka uwag o diariuszu i pamiętnikach Mieczysława Marcinkowskiego


  • Wiesław Setlak Jasło



Słowa kluczowe:

Podkarpacie, Armia Krajowa, Polskie Podziemie, historia, diariusz, kompozycja


Mieczysław Marcinkowski’s diary entitled Wbrew losowi. Z partyzantki i tułaczki 1939–1945 was created in two periods of the author’s life and two geographical and cultural areas (Subcarpathia during wartime in Poland and California in the 1990s). Developed by a group of Rzeszów scientists, the diary of a Home Army fighter in Subcarpathia, later a refugee, now living in Pasadena, USA, is a record of events, experiences and reflections from wartime occupation and postwar exile. It is a convincing record of facts, which makes it a valuable source text for historians. It is also a work of some literary quality, written in spontaneous and sincere language that triggers empathy in the reader, and it is fairly original at the composition level.




Jak cytować

Setlak, W. (2016). W sukurs pamięci. Kilka uwag o diariuszu i pamiętnikach Mieczysława Marcinkowskiego. Tematy I Konteksty, 11(6), 498–502. https://doi.org/10.15584/tik.2016.32