The model of researching the subjective sphere of contemporary culture




human subject, person, liberalist personalism, Thomistic personalism, Wojtyla’s personalism, Holy Trinity, research model


The aim of this paper is to establish a model for researching the subjective sphere of contemporary culture. In order to establish the methodological foundations of the model, some of the most important theories of man (biologistic, liberal and relationalistic personalism, Thomistic and metaphysical personalism, as well as Wojtyla within the so-called ”adequate anthropology” and Trinitarian personalism) have been used, presented, compared, and even critically evaluated. The aim of this confrontation is to choose a theory that fully grasps the ontological and axiological depth of man, a theory that could also encompass the research procedure with all the possible versions of the subject in various spheres of contemporary culture: science, ideological trends, and creativity. The point is that no variant of the cultural subject should fall outside the research range of the model. These conditions are met to the greatest extent by Trinitarian personalism. Other theories and personalisms in the research diagnosis of multiple subjects of contemporary culture may turn out to be ANALIZY I INTERPRETACJE 29 Model badania podmiotowej sfery kultury współczesnej insufficient. The theory of the Holy Trinity as the basis of the model is treated in the paper in a non-confessional manner, that is, only when applied to the methodology of researching the human being



How to Cite

Strzelecki, R. (2021). The model of researching the subjective sphere of contemporary culture. Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, 16(7), 7–29.

