Social identity and influences of informational technologies
Słowa kluczowe:
social identity, information technologies, the Internet, societyAbstrakt
The identity is one of the key issues of modern society and when we take into account the influence of media and information technologies on the livelihoods of individuals then it becomes clear how fast identities have been changing and how qualitative transformations they suffered. In the post modern times computers present an unavoidable decor of present but simultaneously they entice with their utilities all users of this scientific and technical paradigm. Social identity is not what it used to be and its relatively loose structure comprises a sequence of even non consistent characteristics of the structure of identity that have not even been imaginable, until recently, in a such configuration they exist today. New technologies and the way people spend their time at work or their free time determine the development and establishing of the identity structure whilst new specific identities have appeared due to free access to information with the whole latitude of using new media. This phenomenon often reflects on what we refer to as generation gap and additionally on everything that democratic and neo-liberal environment supports in terms of certain behavioral patterns acceptance. Computers, mobile phones of new generation and the Internet, as the totality of informational domain, have offered the post-structural multiversity pandemic of a new world that changed in as much it conceived the pluralism of identities and brand new assemblies of values and attitudes. The onset of a new world was possible due to the concept of a new human that appeared, who has a general common denominator in information technologies.Pobrania
Jak cytować
JERKOVIC, V., & HILCENKO, S. (2013). Social identity and influences of informational technologies. Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science, 8(2), 46–53. Pobrano z
Prawa autorskie (c) 2013 Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science

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