From Coding on the Carpet to Scratch – Developing Visual Language Skills in Preschool and Preschool Children




coding, scratch, mats, visual language, preschool, early childhood education


In early childhood education, the teacher’s task is to take care of the holistic development of each student. In the current core curriculum at this educational stage, great emphasis is placed on developing the skills of critical and logical thinking, reasoning, argumentation and inference. The development of these skills is made possible precisely by introducing coding mat games at an early stage, which in the next stage turns into a specific visual programming language. The authors of the article Focus their attention on presenting practical solutions to help develop the skills indicated in the core curriculum through the use of a visual programming language. The proposed activities allow to make the transfer of mats, carpets, programming environments, i.e. ScratchJr to early childhood education.


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How to Cite

Rzońca, E., & Warchoł, T. (2023). From Coding on the Carpet to Scratch – Developing Visual Language Skills in Preschool and Preschool Children. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 199–212.



Family and school – common areas of education, upbringing and care