Niebezpieczeństwo politycznego wykorzystywania ustawodawstwa o ochronie informacji niejawnych
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
national security, policy, classified information, control procedures, civic rightsAbstrakt
By using comparative, institutional and legal methods, and a case study, the article discusses and analyzes selected issues related to national security policy in the context of the protection of classified information, and particularly the grounds for initiating and conducting covert verification procedures with regard to persons holding relevant documents. The research conducted by the author shows that, in certain circumstances, there is a risk of their lawful instrumental use for the achievement of current political goals. Part of the process limiting the above-mentioned risks could involve the proposed amendments to the applicable legislation with regard to the reduction in the inequality between the parties in administrative proceedings and, thus, resulting in an increase in the rights of citizens in relation to state authorities conducting covert verification procedures.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Zapart, R. (2020). Niebezpieczeństwo politycznego wykorzystywania ustawodawstwa o ochronie informacji niejawnych. Polityka I Społeczeństwo, 17(3), 118–130.

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