Sienkiewicza przygody z literaturą „trzecią”


  • Barbara Szargot Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

Słowa kluczowe:

Henryk Sienkiewicz, historia literatury polskiej, pozytywizm, literatura popularna, konwencja literacka


The article is a review of the book by Agnieszka Kuniczuk-Trzcinowicz, Sienkiewicza talent i intuicja. Studia i szkice [Talent and Intuition of Sienkiewicz. Studies and Sketches], published in Opole in 2014. The publication is an interesting example of analysis of relations between popular literary conventions and the works by Sienkiewicz. According to the reviewer, the essential merit of the book is the ambitious comparative idea – conventions of popular literature are observed not only in the novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz, but also in other 19th century works that belong to the canon of high literature


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Szargot, B. (2016). Sienkiewicza przygody z literaturą „trzecią”. Tematy I Konteksty, 11(6), 494–497. Pobrano z