Tmou za láskou. Renarracja Quo vadis w słowackim musicalu
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
pozytywizm, Sienkiewicz, musical, intertekstualnośćAbstrakt
The paper is a description of the Slovak musical based on Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel Quo Vadis. The analysis has been made on the basis of the categories of intertextual research proposed by George Genette. Transferring Sienkiewicz’s story into the world of pop culture in case of this musical is done by changing its main subject: now it is love in all its meanings. Looking at this, we can see which elements of the author’s creation seem appealing for the contemporary culture: the word (the widely quoted hipotext), the plot in a broad outline and the emotion it carries.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2019 Tematy i Konteksty

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