Konrad Wallenrod – Freedom Contested?


  • epiotrowska University of Warsaw




Adam Mickiewicz, Konrad Wallenrod, freedom, conscience of romantic hero


The subject of consideration in the article is the problem of personal freedom of the title character Konrad Wallenrod, which is negated by his participation in activities that he does not accept. The source of enslavement becomes Halban, whose pressure the "avenger in a mask" is unable to oppose. The context of the considerations are the works of E. Fromm and V. Frankl dealing with the relationship between freedom and conscience.


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How to Cite

Hoffmann - Piotrowska, E. (2023). Konrad Wallenrod – Freedom Contested?. Tematy I Konteksty, 18(13), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.15584/tik.2023.3