“Towards a Different Future of the World”: Mature Utopian Thought in the Pages of “Problemy”





utopianism, utopia, utopian studies, “Problemy”, press, PRL, future


The article is an attempt to interpret, in the spirit of utopian studies, articles and literary works published in the magazine “Problemy” in the years 1980–1985. It was a period of strong presence of wishful visions of reality in the Polish press, which resulted from the country’s situation in the era of the Polish People’s Republic. According to the research of such Western researchers as Ruth Levitas, the presence of utopian thinking was indicated in articles appearing in the popular science press. The focus was primarily on several topics of utopian thinking: cybernetic, transhumanistic, ecological, educational.


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How to Cite

Wyskiel, K. (2023). “Towards a Different Future of the World”: Mature Utopian Thought in the Pages of “Problemy”. Tematy I Konteksty, 18(13), 338–352. https://doi.org/10.15584/tik.2023.21



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