Educational Challenges of the Unstable Modernity Era – Issues Outline


  • Cecylia LANGIER


education, multimedia culture, unstable mod


Zygmunt Bauman, a prominent sociologist and philosopher named modern times the era of unstable modernity. The term stresses life specifics and its dissimilarity to the previous modernity era. Reducing the role of industry and supporting economic development in the sector of service and modern information technology influenced the changes in all areas of human life. The pace, volatility and impermanence are the basic features of modern human life and fully determine his life and social functioning. Development of communication techniques contributed to the emergence of a new type of social relations and means of finding and forwarding the information. That is why the term ‘information society’ is often used to emphasize the role played by information in everyday social and economic life of all the people. The economic and socio-cultural changes require an adequate, facing-theproblem education. There is a calling for a new school, that would prepare young people for the life in an unstable modernity. The author of the article presents the characteristic of the ensuing social and cultural changes. She outlined the main issues of a contemporary education and its development directions. She also emphasized the need of thorough transformations in order to change an archaic institutions into a new please where young generations can prepare for life in a contemporary world.



How to Cite

LANGIER, C. (2015). Educational Challenges of the Unstable Modernity Era – Issues Outline. Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science, 12(2), 11–17. Retrieved from

