Ethnocentric buying behaviour of urban silver singles in Poland


  • Tomasz Zalega University of Warsaw



silver singles, consumption, consumer behaviour, consumer ethnocentrism, CETSCALE


This article reports on empirical research and examines consumer ethnocentrism among urban silver singles in Poland. Its primary aim is to identify the influence of consumer ethnocentrism on the decision-making process of Polish single seniors. The first part explains the concept and essence of the consumer ethnocentrism trend. The next section focuses on the research conceptualisation and a description of the research sample and its characteristics. Based on the conducted research, the last part attempts to define consumer behaviour that can be referred to as consumer ethnocentrism among silver singles. The information collected at both stages of the research shows that ethnocentric attitudes among silver singles are most commonly exhibited in the food market, with their being less visible when it comes to the purchase of non-food products. The strength of such attitudes depends on the demographic and social characteristics of the respondents. Ethnocentric attitudes in consumer decisions are more often demonstrated by single men than senior women. Choosing domestic products requires consumers to have some socio-economic knowledge that should allow them to make informed purchase decisions in line with their preferences and feelings. Apart from the cognitive element, namely knowledge (including beliefs), however, what also matters in ethnocentric attitudes is psychological elements (affective – feelings) that remain in close relationship and harmony with the former element.


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How to Cite

Zalega, T. (2023). Ethnocentric buying behaviour of urban silver singles in Poland. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, (76), 93–120.


