Society divided: fear as the key factor of John Wayne style leaders
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
conflict, politics, society, authorities, leadershipAbstrakt
Fear is one of the strongest motivators. It induces and seals the borderlines between nations, society groups, races, religions, but also family members, students, kids in the neighborhood. We can differ in many things, even strongly conflicting yet with no violence, but when fear appears, especially enforced by lack of responsibility conviction, conflicts turn, step by step into spiral we call “Lucifer Effect”. Politicians who pursue more control in all spheres of life, claim they need this control to protect “us” from “them”. Such extraordinary controlling measures must be taken because all who disagree with “us” are the enemy – “them”, who threat our safety. Such leaders “play” the role of symbolic John Wayne, inducting fear, which make people insecure and looking for strong – uncompromising leader, who will defend “us” from “them”.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Polityka i Społeczeństwo

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