Between world-power status and a marginal position. The international status of Poland in the 21st century in nationalist and conservative political thought




international order, Law and Justice, League of Polish Families, political thought, political realism



The research objective of this paper is to analyse trends in contemporary nationalist and conservative political thought from the system and problem-based perspectives through the lens of Poland's international status in the 21st century. The subject of the analysis is the political thought of two parties − the League of Polish Families (representing the nationalist trend) and Law and Justice (the conservative trend) in two dimensions. First − in the ideological dimension, covering political views with the greatest degree of generalisation. Second − in the programme dimension, understood as a set of specific political proposals, creating concepts and defining the conditions for their fulfilment in the future. The research objective was contingent on the following research questions: How did the League of Polish Families and the Law and Justice Party define and describe international order? What values were assigned key roles in shaping Poland's international position? What international roles were assigned to Poland?



How to Cite

Sanecka-Tyczyńska, J. (2021). Between world-power status and a marginal position. The international status of Poland in the 21st century in nationalist and conservative political thought. Studies in Politics and Society, 19(3), 110–128.


