Social support for older people in the perspective of the functioning of the social assistance system




old age, senior, social assistance, support, social security


In a period of significant demographic changes manifested by a significant increase in the number of older people, the question about the current face of old age becomes particularly important.

Aging is an inevitable, natural process, inextricably linked to the passage of time. This is a difficult period and due to the specific needs of older people, it is necessary for the state and its bodies to create a policy that will ensure decent living conditions for this group of people.

It is essential to ensure proper social and economic foundations for the existence of seniors, primarily through activities in the area of ​​social policy (mainly within the framework of social insurance, health care and social assistance).

For seniors, a support system is a very important element of proper functioning. It may take formal and informal form. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate formal forms of social support for older people in the perspective of the functioning of the social assistance system.




How to Cite

Rynkowska, D. (2024). Social support for older people in the perspective of the functioning of the social assistance system. Studies in Politics and Society, 22(3), 265–282.


