„Niezadowoleni są, ale nie uciekać było spod Pskowa, a dotrwać do końca!” Jan Piotrowski o Litwinach
https://doi.org/10.15584/tik.2019.12Słowa kluczowe:
Litwini, Inflanty, Jan Piotrowski, Andrzej Opaliński, Stefan Batory, diariusz, wojny polsko-moskiewskie w XVI wieku, PskówAbstrakt
The paper deals with the manner in which the Pole Jan Piotrowski, the author of the diary of Stefan Batory’s expedition to Pskov (1581-1582), depicted the Lithuanians participating in it. He rarely referred to stereotypical ideas about them, rather than this he described the reality that he observed and did not skew it towards the established beliefs.
Although he valued his countrymen more, he could show courage and bravery of the Lithuanian soldiers, especially praising the raid of Krzysztof Radziwiłł’s troop. Somewhat more often, however, he reprimanded the Lithuanians: underestimated their number and combat quality, accused them of withdrawing too quickly from Pskov, emphasized their susceptibility to rumours. Among the citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, he most disliked Chancellor Eustachy Wołłowicz, who hindered Piotrowski from fulfilling his mission and often refused access to the documents he possessed.
The image we receive is inhomogeneous. It combines bright and dark sides of fellow Lithuanian citizens, which makes it seem very credible.
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