W kręgu twórczości Anny Frajlich, czyli o Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Tu jestem / zamieszkuję własne życie”. Twórczość poetycka, prozatorska i epistolarna Anny Frajlich (i nie tylko…)
https://doi.org/10.15584/tik.2017.41Słowa kluczowe:
Anna Frajlich, konferencja, twórczośćAbstrakt
On October 24-25, 2016 the University of Rzeszów hosted the International Conference “Here I am / I inhabit my own life”. Poetry, prose and epistolary writings of Anna Frajlich, whose honored guest was famous Polish poet, writer, essayist, editor, lecturer of Polish language and literature at Columbia University in New York City. The aim of meeting was to describe Frajlich’s individual poetics, discuss her place in literary tradition, analyze a variety of her styles, motives, topics and toposes used. The speakers were also interested in the biography of the poet perceived in the contexts of such cultural and methodological notions as identity, emigration, alienation or re-rooting. The conference was organized by Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Rzeszów, Department of Theory and Anthropology of Literature, Workshop of Research and Record of Literary Culture, and Polish Philology Faculty of Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2017 Tematy i Konteksty

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