Violence among school youth in the opinion of the surveyed students


  • Sławomir Cudak Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości w Warszawie



physical violence, psychological violence, aggression, peer group, school class, places of violence, forms of violence, social pathology


In school institutions, as well as in global society, there are various problems, conflicts, and difficulties in contacts and interactions between peers. They are a source of aggressive behaviours that manifest themselves in various forms of physical and psychological violence. The increase in pathological behaviours of perpetrators of violence among peers in schools is alarming. The research procedure attempted to diagnose the phenomenon of violence in selected primary
schools (grades VII and VIII). Research problems were formulated as:
– What is the extent of violence among school peers?
– Which school places are conducive to violence?
– What forms of violence are used by young people?
The research was conducted in selected schools in the city and district of Piotrków. 468 students participated in it, including 243 boys and 225 girls.
Research results indicate that physical and especially psychological violence is an increasingly common phenomenon. It applies to both boys and girls. Most respondents state that it occurs often or very often. It is manifested in various school places. Psychological violence is used more often than physical violence. It takes various forms of harming peers in the emotional, social, moral and physical spheres.


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How to Cite

Cudak, S. (2023). Violence among school youth in the opinion of the surveyed students. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 12, 286–298.



Psychology in the face of contemporary educational and upbringing problems