About the Journal

“Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” (ang. “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth”) – ISSN 1898-5084, eISSN 2658-0780 – is a peer reviewed scientific journal. It has been edited by the University of Rzeszów since 2003 (as a quarterly since 2014).

Aims and scope: “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth” focuses on social and economic aspects of the relations between inequalities and development. The Journal prefers studies which discuss economic problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. It devotes special attention to studies on the connections of economy with other fields of human activity (such as sociology, axiology, knowledge, politics, nature and biology, consumption and technology). (more)

Current Issue

No. 77 (2024)
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“Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” (ang. “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth”) – ISSN 1898-5084, eISSN 2658-0780 – is a peer reviewed scientific journal. It has been edited by the University of Rzeszów since 2003 (as a quarterly since 2014).

Aims and scope:

“Social Inequalities and Economic Growth” focuses on social and economic aspects of the relations between inequalities and development. The Journal prefers studies which discuss economic problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. It devotes special attention to studies on the connections of economy with other fields of human activity (such as sociology, axiology, knowledge, politics, nature and biology, consumption and technology).

The Editorial Board accepts the following for review and publication:

  • theoretical research
  • papers which verify theories, ideas and models based on empirical research,
  • case studies and other empirical research,
  • statements, reviews and refuting studies.

 “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth” has been granted co-funding from the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland for scientific dissemination activities based on contract no. 783/P-DUN/2019.

Ministry of Science - Republic of Poland

“Social Inequalities and Economic Growth” is a beneficiary of the “Support for scientific journals” programme founded in 2019-2020 by Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland.