The Writings of Jakub Susza (Jacob SuThe Writings of Jakub Susza (Jacob Susha). A Page from the History of Uniate Literature in the Polish-Lithuanisha). A Page from the History of Uniate Literature in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th Century


  • Wiesław Pawlak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin



Union of Brest, Jakub Susza/Susha, Polish literature of the 17th century


The article presents the writings of Jakub Susza (Jacob Susha, c. 1610– 1687), the Uniate bishop of Chełm 1652–1687. His most important works: the Latin
biographies of Josaphat Kuntsevych (Cursus vitae et certamen martyrii b. Iosaphat Kuncevicii..., Rome 1665) and Meletius Smotrytsky (Saulus et Paulus Ruthenae Unionis sanguine beati Iosaphat transformatus sive Meletius Smotriscius..., Rome 1666) and the history of the revered icon of Our Lady of Chełm (Phoenix redivivus albo obraz starożytny chełmski Panny i Matki Przenajświętszej, Zamość 1646, Lvov 1653, Zamość 1694), all represent little-known literature written within the Uniate Church. Jakub Susza’s intellectual development, his education in Jesuit colleges in Braniewo, Pultusk and Olomouc, and the characteristic features of his works (the consistent use of Polish and Latin as literary languages, the use of western Latin and Polish literary models) contribute to his image as an example of latinisation and occidentalisation (which at that time meant polonisation) of higher Uniate clergy in the Commonwealth, though as a bishop he took care to preserve the religious identity of the Eastern church.


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How to Cite

Pawlak, W. (2021). The Writings of Jakub Susza (Jacob SuThe Writings of Jakub Susza (Jacob Susha). A Page from the History of Uniate Literature in the Polish-Lithuanisha). A Page from the History of Uniate Literature in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th Century. Tematy I Konteksty, (1), 435–447.