Romantic Sonnets About Artistic Freedom




sonnet, romantic sonnet, sonnet about a sonnet, romanticism, concepts of creativity, artistic freedom


In the presented article, I demonstrate how the idea of artistic freedom was expressed in romantic sonnets and how their authors referred in them to the principles of poetic art. I argue that the expression of artistic freedom at that time included such motifs and metaphors as: the motif of freeing oneself from the limitations of the sonnet form, images of breaking the existing literary conventions, motifs of flying into the sky and climbing to the top. The awareness of creative freedom was also triggered by images of sublime nature and the motifs of reading. In my discourse, I focus mainly on Polish romantic sonnets, but I also refer to sonnets written in other European countries.


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How to Cite

Stanisz, M. (2023). Romantic Sonnets About Artistic Freedom. Tematy I Konteksty, 18(13), 231–246.

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