“Digital didactics”  more modern is not always better and more effective





digital didactics, digital teaching means, connectivism


If the future is to shape the contemporary generation of young people, pupils/students today, it should be prepared for this role. This is largely due to the model of education implemented at all levels of education. The process of education itself is not only about providing up-to-date information about the modern world and the laws that govern it, but also preparing to take responsibility for one's own development. This responsibility has been put to the test thanks to the omnipresent ICT. For the generation of today's learners and students, it is important to achieve short-term goals. The future has disappeared from sight, the seeds of which are being formed right now during education. The unlimited possibilities of using ICT have effectively eliminated from the learning processes: attempts to find out the truth, ask questions, analyse, synthesize and draw conclusions. Therefore, they have eliminated everything that is necessary in adult independent life, including the professional one. It seems that the learning community is less and less aware of these facts, and thus the consequences. The text of the article is not an attempt to negate ICT in education, but an attempt to draw attention to the uncritical use of modern technologies.



How to Cite

Piecuch, A. (2023). “Digital didactics”  more modern is not always better and more effective. DIDACTICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 18, 105–121. https://doi.org/10.15584/di.2023.18.8

