Speech therapy awareness of parents of pre-school children – the report from the research


  • Alicja Kubik Uniwersytet Rzeszowski




speech therapy awareness, speech therapy prophylaxis, speech defects, pre-school child


The proper development and the child’s speech development is the basis for its adaptation in various environments and the proper development of personality. The child thanks to the understanding of speech is able to learn and understand the surrounding environment, but thanks to the ability of speaking it can express thoughts, observations and feelings. The child learns the speech by imitating the environment in which he or she lives what means that the child follows the model of the speech of the people who bring him/her up. Much also depends on the level of parents’ and teachers’ knowledge about the factors determining the development of children’s language. The aim of the research described here is to learn what kind of knowledge about the development of speech of a child and actions preventing the occurrence of speech defects parents of children in pre-school age have.



How to Cite

Kubik, A. (2018). Speech therapy awareness of parents of pre-school children – the report from the research. KULTURA – PRZEMIANY – EDUKACJA, 6, 183–192. https://doi.org/10.15584/kpe.2018.6.14



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