Journals of Rzeszow University - Open Journal System


  • Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series)

    Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formerly Scientific Journals of the University of Rzeszów, Legal Series) is a quarterly published by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Rzeszów, referring in its idea to the tradition of publishing their own scientific journals by universities. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia are the continuator of the Scientific Journals of the University of Rzeszów, the Legal Series, whose history dates back to the Rzeszów Scientific Journals of Law and Economics, published by the UMCS Branch in Rzeszów, in their current form since 2003. They contain works (scientific articles, reviews, reports, glosses) on various branches and areas of private and public law, theory and history of law and comparative law. Some texts are published in foreign languages, especially in English and Slovak. The authors of the publication are both theoreticians and practitioners of law, from Poland and abroad.

    By the decision of the Minister of Education and Science, 40 points are obtained for publishing an Acta Iuridica Resoviensia. Link to the List of Periodicals (02/09/2021)

    The original version of the journal is the printed version.

    Acta Iuridica Resoviensia has been included in CEEOL (THE CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN ONLINE LIBRARY) recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, an electronic, publicly accessible database that allows access to full texts of publications, appearing mainly in national languages ​​in journals devoted to social sciences and humanities published in Central and South-Eastern Europe, in order to disseminate them in the international scientific circuit (

    Acta Iuridica Resoviensia is also included in the Index Copernicus International database and is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).

    The full texts of articles published in Acta Iuridica Resoviensia can be found on the website of the Repository of the University of Rzeszów Library (repository).

    Publishing rules

    We encourage all interested parties to read the content of the website and the rules for submitting texts for publication. The author must register on the journal's website before starting the review process, and if he is already registered, he should log in, if he already has an account in the system.

    There are four issues of Acta Iuridica Resoviensia in a given year. Articles are accepted continuously only via the OJS platform after logging in. The editorial office kindly asks you not to send your articles to the editorial office's e-mail address. Articles sent to the e-mail address will not be included in the review procedure.

    After placing the file with the article on the publishing platform, the time for the initial evaluation of the article in terms of meeting the formal requirements is 60 days. The waiting period for the review is 90 days. The waiting time for the publication of the submitted text is 210 days.

    No fees are charged from the Authors for the submitted texts.

    The Editorial Board kindly asks the Authors to read the file below, which contains a sample article along with an explanation of editorial requirements. Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed.

    Link to the editorial requirements file

  • Ana­lecta Archa­eolo­gica Res­so­viensia

    Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia is a peer reviewed journal that publishes articles in English and is produced annually by Rzeszów University’s Institute of Archaeology and Rzeszów Archaeological Centre Fund. The target readers are primarily archaeologists from Poland and Central and Eastern Europe, but the wide range of issues related to modern archaeology that are published in the journal may also be of interest to other readers. Results of field discoveries and works focused on archaeological sources are also to be found in the journal.

    The journal has been released regularly since 2006. Initially (prior to 2016) it was published in a bilingual format: English and Polish. A number of articles were also published in German. From 2016, the sole language of publication has been English. Between 2009 and 2018, individual volumes (from 4 to 13) were devoted to particular problems. Since 2019, the journal has been published in A4 format and with a new graphic design. The University of Rzeszów Publishing House is responsible for the technical editing of the journal.




    The Didactics of Information Technology is an academic journal published annually at the College of Social Sciences of the University of Rzeszow. It focuses on significant scientific, social and educational problems connected with the use of information and communication technologies in the emerging information society. The aim of the journal is to serve as a platform allowing international experts to exchange ideas, experiences and to present results of their research concerning the application of the latest computer science, information and multimedia technologies at all levels of the education process. The journal offers its contributors the opportunity to present their ideas, opinions and research results that have not been presented elsewhere. Each article contains a summary, as well as key words in Polish and English. Every article is double, blind-reviewed before its acceptance for publication. The reviewers are recruited from outside our Chair. Additionally, before publication, each issue of the journal as a whole undergoes a review.

    Our journal is aimed at university teachers, primary and secondary school teachers, students specializing in computer didactics, as well as all those who use information and communication technologies for professional or educational purposes.

    ISSN: 2083-3156    eISSN: 2543-9847   DOI: 10.15584/di

    MEiN points - 20 points (Journal ID on the MEiN list: 485348)


  • Dydaktyka Polonistyczna

    Dydaktyka Polonistyczna (previous title: Dydaktyka. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna) is an academic journal aimed at publishing papers in the fields of literature studies, culture studies, linguistics, didactics and language teaching.

          The journal also presents articles addressing numerous issues vital to the education of young people and university students.

          Dydaktyka Polonistyczna features contributions of the authors from various academic institutions, as well as of novice researchers and Polish language teachers. Our objective is not only to popularize the research results, but also to bring together the academic communities concerned with the education of young people.

  • European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

    European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Eur J Clin Exp Med) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, which is published by the University of Rzeszow Publishing House. The journal is published quarterly online. Eur J Clin Exp Med is published in English version. The Editorial Office accepts articles only in English language.

    DOI: 10.15584/ejcem


    WSKAŹNIKI (np. IC, IF, SCOPUS): ICV 2022: 100.00
    PUNKTY MINISTERIALNE (za ostatni rok): 20
    LICENCJA CC: wersja 4.0


  • Etnobiologia Polska

    Etnobiologia Polska jest jedyny pismem etnobiologicznym wydawanym w Europie Wschodnie od roku 2011. Przyjęte do druku prace ukazują się w wersji on-line oraz w druku - raz do roku, po skompletowaniu numeru. Artykuły publikujemy w języku polskim z angielskim streszczeniem.Etnobiologia Polska jest pismem wysoce interdyscyplinarnym, z pogranicza nauk biologicznych i antropologii kultury, publikującym artykuły z etnobotaniki, etnozoologii i etnomykologii.Etnobiologia Polska publikuje artykuły dotyczące relacji łączących człowieka z przyrodą, w szczególności:- przyczynki dokumentujące dawne tradycje użytkowania roślin, zwierząt i grzybów,- doniesienia o tworzeniu się nowych zwyczajów dotyczących użytkowania roślin i zwierząt oraz nowych form oddziaływania człowieka na ekosystemy,- prace archeobotaniczne o powiązaniach etnobotanicznych,- prace badające znajomość elementów środowiska przyrodniczego w społeczeństwie.Staramy się aby cykl wydawniczy był szybki i aby recenzje były dostarczone autorowi w ciągu 4-8 tygodni.Publikacja artykułów jest bezpłatna. Publikacja opiera się na Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License - prawo do przedruków zachowuje autor, pod warunkiem, że poda iż artykuł pierwotnie ukazał się w piśmie Etnobiologia Polska i zacytuje numer, rok i strony.

  • Galicja. Studia i materiały

    The purpose and the scope of the journal. The journal Galicja. Studia i materiały [Galicia. Studies and Materials] was established at the Institute of History of the University of Rzeszów in 2015. The yearly journal meets the needs of the international community of researchers focused on the history of the former Polish lands of the Austrian partition from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. It is a region where the representatives of the nations of the former Austrian monarchy (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Germans, Ukrainians) lived or manifested their activity, which is why the multicultural specificity of this area today constitutes the identity of the modern states located there (Poland, Ukraine).
    Galicja. Studia i materiały is a peer-reviewed journal on the history of Austrian Galicia (1772-1918). The journal publishes monographic articles, materials, editions of sources, book reviews and reports on events related to the history of Galicia. Individual volumes have an interdisciplinary character. The journal accepts texts from the fields of history, philosophy, literature, art, culture and religion. We pay special attention to the problems of socio-economic history, history of mentality, history of women, history of historiography, history of philosophy and history of religion.

    The journal “Galicja. Studia i materiały” is included in the list of ranked academic journals prepared by MNiSW [Ministry of Science and Higher Education] – it has 70 points.


  • Ius et Administratio

    "Ius et Administratio" is a journal published by the Institute of Legal Studies of the University of Rzeszów. Our papers publish texts in the field of: law, administration, criminology, criminalistics.

  • Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science

    The editors of the scientific journal JETC aim to conduct a broad discussion on the basic/elementary/rudimentary problems of formal and informal education in both Polish and foreign educational systems. Thus, the pedagogical consequences resulting from the constant development of the new directions in the information society call our attention.

    The research topics in the particular chapters/sections of the journal are focused on the following research problems that should be taken into account in your articles.
    Problems of technical and vocational education:

    Technical education in the light of civilization and cultural change.
    Vocational education and labour pedagogy – dynamics of socio-cultural transformations.
    Education for sustainable human and world development.
    Technical and vocational subjects for teachers’ training in the post-industrial era.
    Problems of IT and information education:
    IT and information education – present and future.
    Computer educational programs – design, verification and application.
    IT preparation for teachers – IT competences and qualifications.
    Fundamentals of computer science and information management in educational systems.
    All academics who are interested and carry out their research in the above-mentioned scope of areas are invited to publish in the journal.


    PUNKTY MINISTERIALNE (za ostatni rok): 20

    ISSN: 2080-9069 | ONLINE ISSN: 2450-9221


    Struktura periodyku obejmuje następujące obszary myśli o wychowaniu i dziedziny praktyki edukacyjnej:
    • Historyczna ciągłość i zmiana myśli edukacyjnej;
    • Aksjologiczne i społeczne obszary wychowania i rozwoju człowieka;
    • Dialog i współistnienie kultur we współczesnej edukacji;
    • Rodzina i szkoła - wspólne obszary kształcenia, wychowania i opieki;
    • Psychologia wobec współczesnych problemów edukacyjnych i wychowawczych;
    • Uniwersytety i szkoły wyższe w perspektywie wyzwań cywilizacyjnych.
    Zapraszamy Szanownych Państwa, osoby zawodowo i pozaprofesjonalnie zainteresowane problemami wychowania i edukacji do współtworzenia pewnego „ruchu myśli” pedagogicznej, do kreowania forum pedagogów, psychologów, socjologów i przedstawicieli innych dyscyplin naukowych, kulturoznawczych, teoretycznych i stosowanych. Zależy nam na wielodyscyplinarnym i wieloaspektowym traktowaniu edukacji, jako uniwersalnej dziedziny wiedzy, jej doniosłych dla obecnej doby aplikacji społecznych i wychowujących, współtworzących współczesnego człowieka, jego kulturę w perspektywie historycznej, współczesnej i prospektywnej.

    ISSN online: 2544-1205

    ISSN wersji papierowej: 2300-9888


  • Limes. Studia i materiały z dziejów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

    Since 2008, the scientific journal Limes has been published in Rzeszów. Studies and materials on the history of Central and Eastern Europe. The initiators and editors of the periodical are employees of the Institute of History of the University of Rzeszów. Currently, the editorial team would like to expand the current thematic area of the magazine. A journal devoted to the issues of the title Central and Eastern Europe, both in terms of content, time and space, as the title Latin term limes is very capacious in terms of meaning. The journal has now been suspended.

  • Musica Galiciana. Kultura muzyczna Galicji w kontekście stosunków polsko-ukraińskich

    Musica Galiciana. Kultura muzyczna Galicji w kontekście stosunków polsko-ukraińskich to jedyna na polskim rynku wydawniczym seria poświęcona dziejom bogatego życia muzycznego obszaru byłej prowincji monarchii habsburskiej i jej wieloetnicznemu dziedzictwu widzianemu z perspektywy uwikłanych w historię tego regionu narodów. Ukazujące się w ramach serii monografie wieloautorskie są pokłosiem odbywających się cyklicznie od ponad 25 lat na terenie Polski (Rzeszów) i Ukrainy (Iwano-Frankiwsk, Drohobycz, Lwów, Kołomyja) międzynarodowych konferencji naukowych „Musica Galiciana”. Stanowią one swego rodzaju platformę dyskusji, wyznaczającą nowe kierunki i perspektywy badawcze nad mało zbadaną dotychczas problematyką rozwoju i kształtowania tradycji muzycznych terenu dawnej Galicji, służą budowaniu kontaktów, wymianie wiedzy, poglądów i współpracy między środowiskiem naukowym w kraju i za granicą. Wśród wydanych dotychczas w ramach serii wydawniczej tomów, prezentujących wyniki badań przeprowadzonych przez naukowców z Polski, Ukrainy, Niemiec, Izraela i Stanów Zjednoczonych, opublikowane zostały tomy tematyczne, których problematyka koncentruje się wokół głównego zagadnienia, np. działalności teatru muzycznego we Lwowie (2003, t. 7), dokonań i roli kobiet w rozwoju życia muzycznego Galicji (2019, t. 16) czy postaci Fryderyka Chopina (2012, t. 13 ) i jego ucznia Karola Mikulego (2021, t. 17) .

  • Social Inequalities and Economic Growth

    “Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” (ang. “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth”) – ISSN 1898-5084, eISSN 2658-0780 – is a peer reviewed scientific journal. It has been edited by the University of Rzeszów since 2003 (as a quarterly since 2014).

    Aims and scope: “Social Inequalities and Economic Growth” focuses on social and economic aspects of the relations between inequalities and development. The Journal prefers studies which discuss economic problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. It devotes special attention to studies on the connections of economy with other fields of human activity (such as sociology, axiology, knowledge, politics, nature and biology, consumption and technology). (more)

  • Studies in Politics and Society

    Studies in Politics and Society [Polityka i Społeczeństwo] ISSN 1732-9639 – abb. POLISPOL – is an interdisciplinary scientific journal located in the area of social sciences. In total, between 2004 and 2012, ten volumes of the journal were edited in which papers were published both in Polish and English (in parallel versions). Starting from 2013, the journal has been transformed into a quarterly and papers are accepted for publishing in either Polish or English. The journal has been established by academic staff of the Department of Political Science at the University of Rzeszów. It is published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego [The University of Rzeszów’s Publishing House].
    Studies in Politics and Society accepts for publishing previously unpublished academic papers, in particular articles presenting Authors’ original research, as well as essays, polemical interventions, reviews, communiques and reports concerning academic events.

  • Rzeszowskie Studia Socjologiczne

    „Rzeszowskie Studia Socjologiczne" są recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym wydawanym od 2012 roku przez Instytut Nauk Socjologicznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Aktualnie ukazuje się jeden numer w roku. W 2014 roku RSS zostały wpisane na listę recenzowanych czasopism naukowych wymienionych w wykazie MNiSW. W skład Rady Naukowej wchodzą naukowcy z Polski, Ukrainy, Słowacji, Czech, Rumunii, Włoch. Artykuły naukowe w RSS publikowane są w językach polskim i angielskim. Teksty po wstępnym zakwalifikowaniu przez Redakcję RSS do przygotowywanego numeru, przesyłane są przez Wydawnictwo UR do dwóch recenzentów zewnętrznych. Wszystkie artykuły są recenzowane w trybie anonimowym według zasady: double-blind review process (recenzent nie zna tożsamości autora, a autor nie otrzymuje informacji o osobie recenzenta). Redakcja czasopisma dba o właściwy poziom merytoryczny tekstów, dokonując ich weryfikacji zgodnie z wytycznymi MEiN.

    W RSS publikowane są przede wszystkim artykuły z zakresu socjologii, a także z dyscyplin pokrewnych. Preferuje się nowatorskie prace analityczne i empiryczne. RSS otwarte są na publikacje polemiczne, wpisujące się w dyskurs akademicki.

  • Sacrum et Decorum

    The yearbook "Sacrum et Decorum. Materials and Studies in the History of Sacred Art" is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the University of Rzeszów Publishing House, edited by the University of Rzeszów Documentation Centre for Contemporary Sacred Art.

    We promote the study of art with a sacred purpose, inspired by the Christian religion, relating to metaphysical issues in 19th- to 21st-century art, seen in a broad cultural context.

    Since the first edition in 2008, through subsequent volumes, the editors of Sacrum et Decorum have endeavoured to meet the expectations of the scientific community of art historians and related sciences, among whom there has been a growing interest in research into sacred art of the last two hundred years and the possibility of publishing the results in a separate journal that takes into account the specific nature of the field.

    The journal has a supra-regional character, allowing for the confrontation of the results of research conducted in various university centres. "Sacrum et Decorum has no equivalent among scientific periodicals published in Poland, and the few foreign (European) periodicals in the field of sacred art represent too broad a formula and only occasionally lend their pages to the publication of works in the field that is the domain of our journal.

    In order to popularise the results of our research work, we pursue a publishing policy aiming at the dissemination of articles on a worldwide and nationwide scale.

    We invite all those interested in research on sacred art of the 19th - 21st century and willing to share the results of their scientific work to cooperate with us!


  • Słowo. Studia językoznawcze

    “Słowo. Studia językoznawcze" is a scientific journal of linguistics published by the University of Rzeszów. It accepts for publication unpublished texts concerning various branches of linguistics in a broad sense. The periodical provides publications (in Polish and in congress languages) in three sections: articles and dissertations, scientific debuts, polemics and reviews. The journal is published in hard copy and online. Since 2016, each article has a DOI number.

  • Studia Anglica Resoviensia

    Studia Anglica Resoviensia is an open-access journal of English Studies, published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence. We welcome original articles and book reviews on linguistics, literature, culture and religion studies, as well as interdisciplinary contributions.
    Currently SAR is published on a yearly basis with the patronage of the Institute of Modern Languages of the University of Rzeszow, Poland. 

    At present SAR is indexed in:

    Erih Plus


    Index Copernicus

    PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa

    Google Scholar

    and is also included in the list of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (20 points).


    ISSN: 1649-7666    eISSN: 1898-8706   DOI: 10.15584/sar

  • Tematy i Konteksty

    Tematy i Konteksty is a scientific journal in the area of humanities (discipline: literary studies), published by the University of Rzeszów. The journal is published both in paper and online.

    ISSN: 2299-8365, ISSN online (eISSN): 2719-8561

    Tematy i Konteksty is indexed in the list of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education: The list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (20 points).

    „Tematy i Konteksty” is indexed in the following databases:
    – BazHum
    – PBN
    – Index Copernicus (ICV 2020: 97.20)

    Articles can be submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS):

    We encourage submission of articles exploring all areas of literary studies. Each issue has a special theme, but independent articles and reviews are also welcome. Manuscripts are processed free of charge. Estimated time of manuscript processing: 12 months. Articles are published under a CC-BY NC ND licence.

    Upcoming issues:
    Tematy i Konteksty 2021, nr 11 (16): Literatura wobec kryzysu epidemii, red. Anna Jamrozek-
    Sowa, Grzegorz Trościński, Wojciech Maryjka.

    Recent update: 27.11.2021.

  • TRANSBORDER ECONOMICS. International Journal on Transborder Economics, Finance, Politics and Statistics.

    Transborder processes are playing an increasingly important role in the economic development in many countries and regions of the global world driven by large-scale interventionism. Multiple examples of international and regional cooperation prove that development of the regions located close to the countries’ borderlines cannot be explained using theoretical approaches, analytical methods and statistical tools of “traditional” macroeconomics and regional economics. Moreover, the facts of globalization, liberalization of international trade, technological cooperation and political initiatives, common research and infrastructural project have given rise to a new type of economic system, i.e. transborder economy, in many parts of the world.

    Unconstrained by the administratively imposed borders, the diffusion of social and economic processes between countries is extensive; they in turn become a key determinant for economic development in the neighbouring areas of countries that have liberalized their residents’ mobility across the borders. These processes of liberalization have advanced in many regions of the world, especially in Europe and the Americas. Furthermore, even the regions with strict formal border control have frequently developed and allowed some degree of economic freedom with regard to e.g. tourism, trade of goods, labour market, use of infrastructure, and development of environmental projects for the sake of the local economies and residents on the both sides of the border.

    In this context, in many parts of the world, the idea of a national economy as an economic and social system seems outdated. Macroeconomics and official statistics, however, appear to underrate this fact both in theoretical considerations, methodological researches and empirical analyses. The lack of understanding of the fact may lead to erroneous macroeconomic decisions of governments. The price of these political errors caused by theoretical, methodological and empirical gaps is paid by all of us – individuals, households, and entrepreneurs operating in transborder environment. Hence, we can observe a rising number of contributions defining transborder economies as specific socio-economic systems have elaborated; they aim at development of theoretical foundations of transborder economics, elucidation of its methodological approaches and statistical analysis, examination of its historical and cultural environment and background simultaneously revealing a vast diversity of issues for current and prospective empirical studies.

    In the light of the rising interest in the above concerns there is a need to create an open forum for scientists and practitioners involved in research and pragmatics of transborder economies. Filling in the gap on the editorial market, the international journal of TRANSBORDER ECONOMICS aims to provide a forum for discussion for all scientists and practitioners who are keen to observe the significance of transborder economies, complexity of the processes and diversity of transborder issues. The journal is open for all authors who are willing to contribute to the development of this new economic discipline.

  • Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

    UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences to interdyscyplinarny kwartalnik naukowy wydawany przez Wydział Socjologiczno-Historyczny Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Zamierzeniem Redakcji jest publikowanie w nim artykułów naukowych, sprawozdań, materiałów oraz recenzji mieszczących się w obszarach nauk humanistycznych i społecznych, obecnych w badaniach Wydziału Socjologiczno-Historycznego. Czasopismo ukazuje się w wersji papierowej oraz elektronicznej, wersją podstawową jest wersja elektroniczna, językami publikacji są język polski i angielski.

  • Warstwy

    Warstwy (The Layers), the annual publication of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Rzeszów, is a journal of artistic and academic nature, a platform for exchanging thoughts and presenting artistic work. It is meant to give theoretical consideration to art and related fields as well as presenting the accomplishments of the Institute of the Fine Arts of the University of Rzeszów and the people and institutions connected with the Institute and the University.We invite to collaboration artistic and academic circles from Poland and abroad.