Vol. 7 No. 2 (2012): Z archiwum polonisty

TIK 2012-7-2

Editorship and textology of literary works are fields with quite an ambivalent status. On
the one hand the range of trends presented in contemporary scientific life seem to lower their
prestige (it is enough to mention the requirements for rapid professional advancement or
the widely accepted principle of interpretational pluralism). On the other hand fundamental
editorial projects are constantly realized, also the popularity of Polish philology studies with
this specialty is increasing as well as the market demand for specialists in this field. The
latest issue of “Tematy i Konteksty” (“Themes and Contexts”) has been devoted precisely
to editorship and textology as well as works documenting Polish literary life in Poland and
abroad. The intention of the editors is to initiate reflection on the present state of Polish
editorship and the challenges it faces.

Published: 2012-12-16