Vol. 14 No. 9 (2019): Literature in the Context of Unification Initiatives to Commemorate the 450th Anniversary of the Union of Lublin

TIK 2019-14-9

Every single union is unique in itself, as the very word etymologically indicates the act of uniting states, territories, international organizations, associations at a specific moment of history. This act is determined by a variety of factors: political, military, social, economic, religious, etc., as well as various interests of personal, dynastic, state, national or ideological nature (although the latter may sometimes be affected by utilitarian aspects). The extraordinary character of a union encompasses various dimensions, however, they are all subjected to the ideas of peace, agreement, mutual cooperation, creating and developing common values in the atmosphere of trust and working towards the common good. As any other agreement assuming closer relations between its members, a union creates a space for partnership and compromise, at the same time constituting a meeting ground for the interests of all the parties involved. This is because every union stems from a long-lasting dream about the world without borders and divisions, which would be a home to everyone, open and welcoming also for those who are different.

Published: 2019-12-16

Main subject

Articles and dissertations